Contact UsFor enquiries about membership please contact the membership secretary:Hugh Henderson tel. 01162 595214, email hugh.h23@icloud.comMembers wishing to bring a guest will have to pay a fee of £8 per guest.The membership year runs from January to December. COMMITTEE 2024President Gay Woodley01858 468830 / gwoodley1@btinternet.comChairman Kate Blank01572 747240 | kate blank@btinternet.comVice Chairman Hugh HendersonTreasurer Sandra Secretary & Visitors Hugh Henderson 07971 623177 | hugh.h23@icloud.comMinutes Secretary Marilyn Switzer Programme Secretary Mary Twidellmary.twidell@gmail.comVisits Della Stonesdjstones@aol.comArts in the CommunityChurch Recorders Jacqueline Volunteers Rita Kellyritamkelly1971@gmail.comWebsite: Janet
Web site and mobile phone pages created and maintained by Janet Groome, Handshake Computer Training
Contact UsFor enquiries about membership please contact the membership secretary:Hugh Henderson tel. 01162 595214, email hugh.h23@icloud.comMembers wishing to bring a guest will have to pay a fee of £8 per guest.The membership year runs from January to December. COMMITTEE 2023President Gay Woodley01858 468830 / gwoodley1@btinternet.comChairman Kate Blank01572 747240 | kate blank@btinternet.comVice Chairman Hugh HendersonTreasurer Sandra Secretary & Visitors Hugh Henderson 07971 623177 | hugh.h23@icloud.comMinutes Secretary Marilyn Switzer Programme Secretary Mary Twidellmary.twidell@gmail.comVisits Della Stonesdjstones@aol.comArts in the CommunityChurch Recorders Jacqueline Volunteers Rita Kellyritamkelly1971@gmail.comWeb site creation and maintenance - please email to report any problems on the site or with the links.
Web site and mobile phone pages designed, created and maintained by Janet Groome Handshake Computer Training